Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where Did The Past 4 Years Go??!!

Seriously, where did the past 4 years go? It's hard to believe that the pictures above are of my now 3, almost 4 year old daughter Lily Irene. It seems like I just brought her home from the hospital yesterday. The little girl that I look at today seems so grown up, speaking full sentences, picking out her own mismatched clothes, and going to preschool. I was completely in awe of her when they first handed her to me in the hospital. I couldn't stop staring at her perfect little face. My last night in the hospital they brought her to me and I remember staring at her from 11pm until 7am the next morning...that's how much she wowed me. She had the most angelic little face and she slept so soundly...so peacefully. When I held her that night, as Daddy was sawing logs on the ever so comfortable futon next to us, I whispered to her "I will always protect you." I loved her more than life itself and I still do. I look at her now while she sleeps, in her big girl bed...and sometimes I still see that same little baby in her face. Becoming a mother for the first time, is an experience I'm not so sure I have the best words to describe. However, what comes to mind is: profound, beautiful, awe inspiring, amazing, contentment...and pretty much every other wonderful word you can think of...IT TRULY IS. I love you Lily and I'm so proud to be your Mama!

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