Monday, April 18, 2011

"If I Could Keep Her Little"...

"If I could keep you little, I'd decide on matching clothes. But then I'd miss you choosing dots on top and stripes below." ~Marianne Richmond

The babies and I recently took a trip to Target (their favorite place to shop I might add...they tell me on a regular basis! lol) and I bought Lily a book called "If I Could Keep You Little." It's a sweet little book about the time in a parents life when they realized their little ones are growing up, how they wish they could keep them little...but at the same time love the people they are becoming. The picture above of my beautiful Lily reminds me of just how independent she is becoming, how much I miss her little, and how I am in awe at who she's becoming. <3

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that is too sweet. She is such a little pretty. She will grow up to be a wonderful little lady one day...I just know it :)
